Have It All.

2 min readJul 29, 2021

Why is it that we can’t have it all? Why does your love life just have to fall apart so that it makes way for a promotion? Why do you have to look and feel so miserable to get that hefty paycheck? Why does one side of the ‘see’ have to be pressed down into the hard ground for the ‘saw’ to soar high up in the air? Why can’t we afford a fulcrum? Why can’t we have it all? A great career, a beautiful house, a perfect relationship, and X [inviting you to add yours here]. This is a question I ask myself often.

Guess life’s just not that kind to offer us a full breath. You might take tiny breaths and half at a time, till your heart bursts, and you are lying lob-sided, your hand to your chest, and thinking for a second, that you could take that half and half; that it’s not so bad, that you can still look up and find that steel grey thread you call a silver lining, and try and be happy with what you have until…

that moment of clarity strikes you, and you shake off the excess baggage, take a full breath, steady that full-sized aortic pump, gather yourself, and claim the right to have it all.

It’s just like Bruce Wayne’s father asked his son: “Why do we fall, Bruce?” — So, we can pick up our sorry-ass selves and try. Again.

Not a DC fan, eh? Neither am I, but what Bat Man’s dad was trying to say is, don’t give up. I second him.

Because you don’t have another lifetime to chase the perfect horizon, all you have is now. And hell, you CAN have it all. It doesn’t have to be either-or. Life is full of choices…spoil yourself with them. Because you weren’t pushed out into this world with a platinum spoon in your mouth. No, you work hard. You earn yourself the rewards. Now, it’s time to use up those medals you’ve been saving for a rainy day. Because, what good is good China…if you never use it?

I say, keep chasing the answer to the question, “Why can’t I have it all?” Chasing the answer to that question will help you live your best life. Give yourself a minute to believe that. Love yourself. Believe that you can have your cake, and damn well eat it too. Because you deserve it. ALL of it.




Here to write out my mind. Follow me if my prose resonate with you.